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I Am The Guy To Bridge The Divide

The Gateway Arch to symbolize bridging the divide

Gary Schuman, confidently yet with humility, proudly proclaims, “I am the guy.” From childhood, he watched his family host various people at their house for Sunday dinners, holidays, parties, and other events. He worked side-by-side with his father from a young age in his father’s independent grocery store, which grew from a 1,200 square-foot shop to a 10,000 square-foot supermarket. No words, phrases, or lectures were explicitly offered to young Gary; he absorbed inclusiveness visually, through osmosis, and even genetically in the marrow of his bones. He genuinely enjoys people, and despite his seriousness, he possesses an extremely witty and humorous side. Gary firmly believes that if you extend your hand, the other person will reciprocate, and you can go from there.

Gary Schuman

A picture of Gary Schuman, 3rd district Congressional Candidate in Maryland, Democrat

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